Tuesday, February 23, 2010

AV Mobile scavenger hunt

1. What is a Micro blog?
A web service that limits the number of characters that you can submit in a post

2. Micro blog address?

3. What are social bookmarks?
Public links to web pages that a person would like to share with other people. These bookmarks are usually categorized by tags

4. URL of Instructors bookmarking service?

5. What is a blog?
A website usually authored by one person who would like to share their news, opinions, etc
with other people

6. Instructors blog?

7. What is a social network service?
A social network service is a web based server that provides means for people that share
interests / activities to interact over the internet.

8. URL of the class social networking service?

9. What is wiki?
A collection of web pages designed to enable anyone to be able to contribute / modify content

10. Wiki address

11. What is photo sharing?
A website service that allows people to update, arrange and tag digital photographs

12. Address of Instructors photo sharing site?

See the photo we took of our efforts:


  1. shot for the answers ;) kidding. awesome blog... well done!

  2. Thank you Kerri, for your help. I did use the answers that came from our group efforts, but it was useful to check them against yours. I have posted quite a few of our tasks onto my blog, if you would like some help. I hope you had fun in Cape Town.

    my blog for PGCE: www.audiovisualportfolio.blogspot.com
