So after my shell shocked reaction yesterday and not much sleep last night I hauled myself out of bed this morning wondering what today would hold. . .
... and it was much of the same... except this time I was prepared with, my toilet roll in my bag and my scientific calculator.
I spent most of today helping the teachers out with recording marks, marking exam papers and showing the teachers how to work out the calculations, like converting a mark out of 100 into a mark out of 10, adding it to a mark out of 25 to get a mark out of 35 then converting to a percentage and finding the average and the median. We did this during class as we did yesterday but today the teachers were prepared and had a learner copy from a textbook onto the board while all the other learners copied that down we caught up with the admin which should have been in yesterday.
At lunch time I had a chance to chat to some of the teachers in the staff room and I found it quite daunting that they have so many challenges to deal with, and interesting how they deal with these challenges on a daily basis.
My teacher mentor asked me for the work I had prepared so she could look at it tonight and use it to prepare for the lessons tomorrow - so it looks like I might get to observe some actual teaching tomorrow.
Hmmm, yes I suppose I do come across as a bit cynical, but I am just so frustrated for the learners who end up suffering due to the lack of resources, the disorganisation and general lack of interest.
If only it were an ideal world and everyone had equal opportunities....
... yet still they find time to smile (so at least I can say I learnt something today)
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